Location Highlights


  • Replace the Central Avenue Bridge to accommodate additional auxiliary lanes on the GSP
  • Utility upgrades


  • Bridge construction work to be performed in three (3) stages following utility relocations
  • Temporary traffic shifts will be utilized to facilitate the work
  • Short duration temporary detours will be needed during utility relocation work
  • Significant utility relocation work including drainage, water mains, gas mains and electrical facilities will be performed
  • Utility relocation work to begin on or about November 2018

Location Updates

April 30, 2021

  • A new traffic pattern has been implemented on Central Avenue between Watson Avenue and Hawthorne Place. All travel lanes and turn lanes have been re-opened over the bridge. Eastbound and westbound left turns at Oraton Parkway and Whittlesey Avenue are restored. Please refer to the graphic below for details.
  • During the weeks of 05/03/21 through 05/17/21, roadway curb and sidewalk construction will be performed along eastbound Central Avenue between Watson Avenue and Hawthorne Place.  Work will be supported by East Orange Police as necessary.


April 16, 2021

  • A new traffic pattern has been implemented on Central Avenue between Watson Avenue and Hawthorne Place. All travel lanes and turn lanes have been re-opened over the bridge. Eastbound and westbound left turns at Oraton Parkway and Whittlesey Avenue are restored. Please refer to the graphic below for details.
  • During the weeks of 04/19/21 through 05/03/21, roadway curb and sidewalk construction will be performed along eastbound Central Avenue between Watson Avenue and Hawthorne Place.  Work will be supported by East Orange Police as necessary.





Project Updates

Traffic Alerts

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